Thursday, January 24, 2008

Allow Me to Introduce Myself

I know what you’re thinking: who is this guy and why should I read this? Is Uri Thane his real name? If not, why not? What’s this blog about? When should I check this page? Okay, I’ll take ’em in order.

Who is this guy?
Chances are, you know me. We’ve met at a supplier meeting or conference, or maybe I’ve been in your shop to sell you something. I’ve been around for quite a long time, so chances are we are old friends.

Why should I read this?
Maybe you shouldn’t. I am going to be pretty frank. It’s for you to decide if reading this is worthwhile to you. I’m going to give you my opinions and it’s up to you to decide.

Is Uri Thane my real name?
No. Now that would have been quite a coincidence if it was.

If not, why not?
Hey, with some of the things I plan on saying here, I want to be completely candid. We all know how this industry works. I want to be able to speak the truth without regard for whether or not it’s going to cost me business or customers. The editors know who I am. That’s enough for now.

What’s this blog about?
It’s about the absurdities of the AGRR industry. Sometimes, it will be about the players and sometimes about the little victories. I have promised those same editors only that I will call ‘em as I see ‘em. It’ll be about topics you want to talk about too. Uri Thane is here for you.

When should I check this page?
I’ll be writing every other week or so … unless I get agitated about something, then I gotta let off some steam.